Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Charity Food Carnival

Last Sunday ,I went to do some charity work. Than Lin ask me to help out for their store.I am member of Than Lin , so what to hesitate?

They asked me to be photographer of the day.I took some photos of the event on that day.

It is organized by Kwang hua primary school and Lions club.

Actually I did not know it was organized by Lion's club too until I saw one of the one of the stall wrote Lions club.

The banner was right outside kwang hua primary!

They were like promoting all the food which was going to sell later!

All than lin aunty and uncle were busy preparing before the crowd begin!

What was this aunty cutting?

Look at his face. Damn serious one wo!!

was he promoting the things inside the basket?

Looked girlish huh!

See Alvin was putting all the food on a tray . He was going to take this tray and walked around
the place,hope somebody will buy those food from him!

Smile happily? Guess He is refiling the food for second round which means he had sell finished for the first round .

Aunty was busy convincing people to buy.

wow $$. Zhao min's mum was taking the money note.Better keep properly!

I love the Chen Dol and Ais Kacang. All were homemade by them.

They even carried the machine by their own.

The machine was heavy like rocks, I know ,cause I am the one who helped to carry the machine
back to the car when the fair ended.

Crowds started.

Business getting good!

It was getting hotter when people stated to come.

I saw quite of number of my school friends came!

Ting Feng my neighbour. We used to car pool last year.

Two Alvins here.He is also my neighbour!

How I know Chien Ming? Know him through blog! Cool!

I was like promoting drinks ? Weird!

After walking for an hour here and there . I decided to sit down to have a drinks.

Finally is Shin Wei , We were classmate in Form one.