Friday, January 18, 2008

Skype Confirmed for PSP


Sony leaked their own surprise late last week when a page for the Consumer Electronics Show slipped word of Skype support coming to the PSP. The popular Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol (VOIP) service is finding its way into several cell phones, and with a mic to plug into your PlayStation Portable the news hinted at phone calls from anywhere with a WiFi hot spot.

Today, Gamasutra reports that the news is indeed true, and Sony has officially announced the service along with outlining some details. The PlayStation Portable itself will manage all of the Skype features straight from the XMB, after a firmware update planned for later this month. The new icon will allow users to bring their Skype contact information into the PSP, view their contacts, add new ones, and see who's available to talk. An additional charge with "Skype credit" will let users make calls to landlines and mobile phones, or to receive calls from either.

A PlayStation Phone? Not quite, but it's a pretty elegant solution with a trusted and established service.