Finally i am back.Couples of days,I couldn't surf the net.There was no respond when i wanted to search something.I ask myself what am i gonna do ?so what i did was i called a computer shop's guy and ask for his help.Nothing could be done by him,but he taught me some method to solve the problem but unfortunately the problems were not solved.So he asked me to call streamyx for help.So,the streamyx guy told me that my account were inactive due to viruses and asked me to email streamyx and inform them that i have this problem.This was the first i time i heard of internet connection infected by virus.
I remember near my house there is a streamyx centre which is Clickers.I have no patient to wait for the email reply.So,after lunch i quickly walked under the hot scorching sun to there,it took me about 20 minutes.My whole body was full of sweats and i was extremely stink.I guess i was too desperate to get online.As i walk passed shops by shops,Clickers seems not appearing within my view.I keep on finding but i couldn't find any shoptlots which is orange and blue in colour.
Suddenly ,something caught my attention,i saw the a shop which is blue and orange in colour,and outside the glass door stick a notice which is TO LET .I was like OH MY GOD.Well i told myself nevermind ,maybe near my house within walking distance there is stretch of shop lots,and i could have a try to search for it.In the end nothing i could find.
Next day,My mum went to Streamyx centre to enquire for my problem.This is what my mum told me,she said that none of the stuff there could solve my problem and they have to call to KL department to ask for the solution to solve my problem.After,spending one hour to look into this matter,they finally figure it out my problem,they told my mum to print out my computer virus report in order to re-active my account.
So, Today,my mum gave them my printed virus result to them and they said my account has been re-active since this morning.
All the while i was so freaking damn fed up.How can streamyx suspend my account,and they just couldn't tell me what cause my internet connection suspended,what they told me is just the virus.The reason they gave me was not clear and detail enough. Streamyx how can you let your customer waited for two days.
This view gave me an autumn feeling.I shoot this photowhile i was on the way to clickers. I love this photo.
Nowadays cases like robberies broking to houses were increasing.Many of my neighbour's house from upstairs and downstairs were broke in by the robbers.Robbers now are very smart they can easily broke in to your without cutting your padlocks but they used multi keys to open your
doors .
Therefore my apartments make the decision to set up a CCTV right in front of my apartments entrance where u have to slot your card to machine in order to drive in to monitor the the in and out visitor..They also improve the security system.Well,thats good to me.
I have not prepare for the impending exams which is fall at 29 of February.I belive i can do better compare to last year's exam.I have 9 subjects to study,i am free from pure science as i am studying an ICT . This does not mean that i can relax and can spend more time to play.
I have to study hard and do my revision from now onwards or else it is to late already.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Streamyx Sucks l CCTV l Exams
Monday, January 28, 2008
Meeting l Effective Communication meeting'08
Today is CCA day,so i go for Leo club.Today they announced the posts of every members.
I get three post which is :
- Vice President
- Twill Twister
- Auditor

Nicholas busying with his DSLR.

Lunch i ate Mee soup.

Then i call that as my desserts:

PAPAYA!!Hey it suit my blog's colour right?
Today i ate Macdonald for my dinner.I called delivery.Something funny was when the Macdonald,a Malay guy came to my house,i ask him how much then he say 9 ringgit.Well, actually is 12.90.When the moment i want to shut my door ,there he comes to chase for the balance of the money

Today is the first meeting of Effective Communication 2008.I will tell you guys more in the next post.

More Photos coming soon!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
My Grandma
My Grandma lately was sick and hospitalise for about two weeks.She was really in bad condition now.Earlier we thought she will sleep to korma ,but her condition was better than what we expected.My Grandma stay in Gleneagles hospital.To be honest my grandma was going to 80 years old.Pass Six years,which i was in Standard 4 .She nearly pass away,cause of her liver cancer.I still remember that time all my overseas family came back to Malaysia for their holidays.At that time,my grandma complaint that her stomach was uncomfortable,but no ones know what cause her stomach pain.Stomached??dearer??
So after that,My grandma go GMC check up and found out that her liver got some problem.Doctor advised her to do liver biopsy,do determine that weather her liver is cancerous or not??Doctor said that the result will be announced after 3 days.
After a few days,my overseas uncle ,aunties and cousin planed to go Pedu lake Resort for vacation.I think Pedu Lake Resort were abandoned since last year.So,that morning,we packed everything get ready go to the resort.GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My cousin from overseas who is my grandma's daughter called early in the morning about 6.00 a.m.,she told us that my grandma was unconscious and have sent to hospital .I was thinking what if my grandma unconscious while we are on they way at the PENANG BRIDGE.There is no reversing or U-TURN for vehicles.It was so shocking to me,cause i never came through this sort of experience ,every time go vacation with papa and mama will have that excited feelings and nothing crop out so sudden.It was my first time.My sister and I were so scared and don't know what was actually happening to my grandma.What i can do was i prayed to the GOD.
My mum called us to inform us that my grandma were doing surgery .At last,Thank god her operation was successfully done.
As years passed by,her liver started to worsen,my papa and mama,took her to KL's hospital, Selayang hospital for check up.My grandma have completely tried everything that can sure for her liver cancer.She did microwave to burn the cancerous cell away.She did all sorts of thing to prolonged her life.Papa and mama accompany my grandpa and grandma to selayang hospital to and fro from Penang every 3 months in a year.She did all those treatment continuously for three years.
During a check up,a surgeon who treated my grandma,he told my dad ,that was enough for her,she's old already,we no longer can treat her anymore.LET HER EAT WHAT SHE WANTS.
Do u know that since my grandma admitted to hospital when she was unconscious and discharged from the hospital,everybody in that house controlled her meal.To her everyday is fish,vegetables,less meat and that's all.Actually by eating any food ,it wont affect her liver,but they just couldn't understand.
Something very important was,till now my grandpa still don't know my grandma has liver cancer,and my grand,a don't know as well.We just hints them,that like tell my grandma that her liver was not in good condition .It was my overseas aunties dicision .To me it is better to tell them the truth,better than hide the truth behind them,it is very unfair to the patience .
So,today,my grandma condition was extremely bad.She can't even get up from her bed.Sometimes she was like very sleepy .
I would like to tell everybody that be grateful to what your mummy and daddy gave you.Sometimes,they are a little bit strict or scolded us ,but all the main reason is to teach us,for our own good.DON'T EVER REGRETTED WHEN THEY LEAVE,IF YOU DON'T TREAT THEM WELL!!!!!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Cash Back l Hospital
Today,it was quite a terrible,horrible and vegetable day that i had.Well, i get scolded by high-com(monitor board) and we have this check session for the monitor which is patrolling,which means discipline Officer have to check every classes monitors.OH MY GOD,It was so tiring for me.
Afternoon,i have to attend three activites at three places which was Leo club meeting,Gym club and Monitor book sales for the books packing .So,after school dismissed ,i ran to canteen to have my lunch and chi-chat with my club member.Do you guys know that Leo club member are talkative"kap siao".To be honest many of my Leo members are very out spoken,they can come out and talk without looking at note or paper.
we have a 30 minutes of discussion for in coming Leo camp preparation.It was not a formal meeting cause we have the discussion at canteen.I took a very easy post,I in-charged for the cleanliness .
After the discussion ended,i immediately ran to the book sales room to exchange my coins for their cash.Wow i was very excited,when they are counting all the coins from my piggy bank.Actually the amount of money i get back is the same,but to me,it is a satisfaction to me by getting cash instead coins,cause coins were inside the piggy bank which u can't really estimate a amount of money inside it.I guess it is just a psychological thinking of mine.
My granny were sicked,she get lungs infection ,my mama told me.So,yesterday after i have my English tuition, i went to Gleneagles hospital to visit her.Her condition was better than from previously.I have nothing to do there,so i took out my psp to watch again "The Kingdom" .I don't really understand the story line.AM Stupid?HAHA
Yesterday,my aunt recommend me a type of leaf or something like "grass".She told me that u can find it at Chinese medicine shop and make soup by using this ingredients.This herbs can cure for face pimples.Maybe you guys want to have a try for this herbs?!
Skype Confirmed for PSP
Sony leaked their own surprise late last week when a page for the Consumer Electronics Show slipped word of Skype support coming to the PSP. The popular Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol (VOIP) service is finding its way into several cell phones, and with a mic to plug into your PlayStation Portable the news hinted at phone calls from anywhere with a WiFi hot spot.
Today, Gamasutra reports that the news is indeed true, and Sony has officially announced the service along with outlining some details. The PlayStation Portable itself will manage all of the Skype features straight from the XMB, after a firmware update planned for later this month. The new icon will allow users to bring their Skype contact information into the PSP, view their contacts, add new ones, and see who's available to talk. An additional charge with "Skype credit" will let users make calls to landlines and mobile phones, or to receive calls from either.
A PlayStation Phone? Not quite, but it's a pretty elegant solution with a trusted and established service.Wednesday, January 16, 2008
D40 OR D40X
Well i am a beginner for DSLR,i love photography very much.
I need some Professional 's advise for both of these cameras.Both of these camera make not much different, is just that the matter of mega pixels they are different of.I have read plenty of review but i still can't figure out which camera to chose?
I hope you guys can give me some tips on DSLR. Thank you!!
SBPT books l Spaghetti
Can You Imagine now is the third week of school,and my form just received the teks book from my school.I am wounder is it the school or the government distributed slow??I was quite impatient because i go to revise my work through.Exam is near,My exam falls on 2nd of March ,so have to prepare already.
Oh My God,my class get the old books,but then most of the books are still in good condition,except chinese teks book.
I don't use old book before in my lifetime.This is my first time using books things that are used by people.Cause Last time ,i got my teks from my uncle's bookshop ,all the books were totally free.
Today i ate Spaghetti.Early when i woke ,i saw my mum were preparing the ingredients for the
Spaghetti .
My mum used the packet tomato ketchup to mix with the tomato paste.
You guys may i ask what is my Spaghetti ingredients?
The ingredients my mum used were button mushrooms ,minced pork,tomato sauce and tomato paste.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Monitor Camp+Leo Club
Yesterday was my school's society and Clubs introduction day.I arrive at school around 9 o'clock to duty for my monitor booksales project.I have to duty at the book sales room for an hour only can do my club's job.The school was crowded with students and their parents were came along.Many society and clubs were trying their best to promote their stuff.
Yesterday i was so lucky mann,i saw a blogger .Who is that??
After that i changed my formal attire for to duty for my club .We have to wear formal attire is because we are the Board of Directors so it is a must for us to wear.Many new comers came in our class .So,we told them about Leo club 's history and our club activities which was carried out previously.I try my very best to convince them to join our club.HAHA
Look at nick he was posing with his brand new DSLR.I gonna get one too.!!cool??
Yesterday was our monitor board big day.Why is it big day??Well,Yesterday was a training camp for new monitors mostly for form1 monitors .The purpose we have this training camp was to introduce to them what is monitor,let them know what should a monitor have and what they should do.
So ,we did it in this way.We prepared four stations which included,teach them how to wear their tie,tell them the history of monitor by using projector,teach them what to fill in,in daily attendance book,and drilling.
I was also one of the stationer.i was in-charged to teach them how to wear their tie.It was very tiring to teach things that is repeated for the 10 teams.So now i have a sore throat. But i admit was very patient to teach them one by one.I taught them until they know how to wear on their tie.
Yesterday My friend ,Merritt bring his brand new i-phone to school.I feel the design is so good and pretty nice.But sadly in Malaysia i-phone cannot received nor incoming calls nor either call out.It has to be hacked in order to use.
Today i walked to Queens Bay Mall to buy some stationery because i am lack of it.I spent 45 minutes choosing the things that i want.GOSH!!i don't have enough money to buy all the stationery that i intend to buy.So, i have to go Queens Bay Mall another time to buy stationery that i need.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Public Holiday
Today is Public Holiday woke up 10 a.m. School reopen already and need to work very hard this year.My last year PMR and school results was bad.This year i choose to study at ICT class,the reason is because i find my maths and science was not able to cope and i get bad gred for this both subject.In Chung Ling High School this is my own opinion ,they mis-concept for the streamimg student class.Science stream student will be better compare to the Accounts and ICT class student.Wheres for other school ,there are also good student for Art or Commercial stream.Well , my class have 16 pupils for this year.If you study in this class , people sure laugh at you and look down at you.But for me , i don't care much about it,i know what i to be for my career.What i really need to do is to work hard , concentrate in class, thats all.Although my classmate was quite weak in their studies but i believe if they hardworking and study more they can also excel in their studies too because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Studying in Chinese school for so many years my Chinese was from this year now i have to try hard to improve my Chinese because my subject is credit hour of 7 period.So if my Chinese paper do badly if will affect my average.
Since last year i was elected for being a Discipline Officer.There are a lot of work to be done.Actually to be honest i don't really like take all those responsibility .Do you guys know i have to go early in the morning 6 a.m. for key-duty which means i have to make sure all the keys must be taken by all the monitors.Afternoon ,after school i have to walk after school to make sure every classes have been locked.It was so tiring to handle this post.
It is a brand new year,so i have to rearrange all those monitors particular.I have to rearrange the every form monitors discipline records.
Today i went to my Form 4 English first lesson.This year tuition fees also increase by 10 bucks.After that i,nick and Chong Wei went to One-stop to search some software but end up didn't buy any CDs.Starbucks was offering some free drinks,which is ice cream+green tea flavour,quite yummy.
Yesterday i spent 2 and half hour to record the song that i like very much.The first time i heard this song"新不了情'' i like it very much.So yesterday i decided to spent my time to record.Do guys know i am a guy who love singing very very much.Hope you guys like my give me some comment.I posted the song at my previous post.I believe i still have many things to improve.
新不了情 by Alvin Ng
The Title of this song is called"新不了情"
Well this song was recorded by Me.Hope you guys like it.Please give me comment yea!!!
我不知道 wo
Monday, January 07, 2008
My New Blog Skin
Would you guys please me some comment for my new skin or rate my blog.So that i can improve my blog.I will read through every comment that u guys give.Thank you!!
Advertlets Down
Yesterday when I was trying to view my own blog, once it started loading advertlets' ads, it skipped to a site named
I removed the advertlets ads immediately and the problem was solved.
I think advertlets was hacked,their host was hacked or either they didn't pay their hosting bills.
Advertlets is having a big problem here...The problem is still unsolved until now!
Nuffnang should be quite happy about this!!! haha...
Sunday, January 06, 2008
First Saturday Of School
Today woke up early in the morning for monitor's meeting.This is the last ITC meeting.What is ITC?well ITC means a programme which train new monitor for this year.Let them know more about monitor.It was quite boring and sleepy during the meeting.LOL
At night ,Fo Yi Association organise a fellow ship dinner for helpers who help in last year's year end children's camp.The venue of our dinner place was beside new world's park star buck's coffee shop.So,there were approximately 30 helpers came to attend today's dinner.They were mostly around my age,some are in college and working.The reason they have this dinner,was as a appreciation for our help plus they left quite an amount of money in their fund.
After dinner my few friends and i was having a walk inside new world park.Suddenly i saw five person was singing at the stage and i just realised that they were the five finalist of Astro Talent Quest'07 .It was their promotion at penang for their album.Not bad their was not bad.and i took photos with them.I bought their album as well and it cost me 30 bucks which consists an album,a poster and a notebook.I also take their autograph too.
They played a game which is you have to guess what the finalist sang,and the moment you know the song quickly run to the microphone and shout out the the song name and the artist's name.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Happy Moments Before School Reopen
On New Year 's day,Alex invited us to his house to stay.Before we go to his house,we stop by gurney's Nandos to have our lunch first.It is hard to gather 5 of Us.So ,on that day everybody can make it.It was fun yeah!!!!
i took 1/4 chicken,coleslaw and french fries and i took hot peri peri but it isn't makes any different,not spicy at all.LOL.I wasn't full at all,maybe i need bigger helping next time.Maybe i should call 1/2 chicken ONLY CUKUP LA!!!!
Nowadays i am broke.My main dish have already cost me 20 bucks something.So i called Mineral water which is cheaper.LOL.I need save money already.CANNOT SIMPLY SPEND.I spent too much during holidays.
See what day did.Gosh,they were actually sharing a glass of lemon ice.That was an interesting post too.Great posing.Good Job man.
After that,we went to buy some DVDS and we straight go to Alex's house.His house was so big 4-storey high.I finally touch x box.We play Gears of war and a game which is similar as Street Fighter.It is fun cause,we were in his theater room.
Well by then,it was 4 something already,so we were bored of games and our eyes quite tired already.we play some outdoors game.Alex's sisters were cute.We talked and played with his sisters.We played mini football at alex's garden there.The compound there was quite big.
I LIKE ALEX'S DOGGGIIEEE.Its so cute.I don't know what type of dog,but what i know was a mini size ,furry dog,and this dog was so hipper active.We played catch ball game with the dog.
At night we have Barbecue Party and we consider as new year's party too.
We played some disgusting game,which is loser will gonna sip sauce which was mix with various ketchup with coke.Isn't that so DISGUSTING!!
Ruferts's dad bring ps3 and guitar hero as well.Is kind of cool yea,this guitar have 5 different colour of button.This game is similar as 02 jam.
We watched SAW 4 .It was so violent and disgusting.
We slept at the following day 5 am.
Thats why now i am mentally and physically exhausted