Friday, December 28, 2007

Nufflets - 4th Advertising Company That Hit Malaysia

Hello everyone, did you receive your gift I had mentioned on my previous post? Don’t worry, I’ll continue until New Year 2008.

Nufflets LogoDid you realize I had added another ad on my front page? Yes… the 4th advertising company – Nufflets is going to hit Malaysia now. Malaysian Bloggers are able to earn more $$ now!!
I don’t know where the Nufflets name came from, but it sounds like Nuffnang + Adverlets. Ok, forget about how they got the name. Now you can earn USD Dollar by publishing Nufflets ads on your blog.

Nufflets ads look similar with Google Adsense. They currently offer CPC Text-Based Advertising Programs comes with content channeling target, keyword or contextual based targeting.

See the ads properly again!! It says “Receive USD15 upon signing-up”. Don’t get cheated by this okay!! Give you some tips here, You only get USD5 upon approval of the publisher sign-up. If you want to earn another USD10, you’re required to provide link-back Nufflets website. After that, make sure Contact them to ensure you had provided a link-back of Nufflets website from your blog.

**Important, if your blog currently publishing Google Ads on your blog, please take a look on Nufflets Blog to avoid Adsense ban you!!